Full & Partial Dentures

in Garland, TX

Dentures are removable dental device that replaces your missing teeth. Dentures are custom-made for you from materials like porcelain, acrylic resin, or metal. Dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth, so you shouldn’t need to worry about them slipping out or falling out while you’re talking or eating.

Dentures are a great option for people who’ve lost all of their teeth. Dentures are removable, and with proper care, they can last for many years. Dentures can restore your ability to eat and speak naturally, and they also improve your oral health. Without teeth, your jawbone can deteriorate, causing facial sagging and sunken cheeks. Dentures will help prevent this from happening. Besides, dentures are one of the most affordable ways to replace missing teeth.

Types of Dentures

There are two main types of dentures: partial dentures and complete dentures. Both types of dentures replace missing teeth, but partial dentures fill in the gaps in your smile while complete dentures replace all of your teeth.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are removable replacements for your entire upper or lower arch. They’re usually recommended for those who have lost all of their teeth. Full dentures are custom-made to fit comfortably and securely in your mouth. Full dentures are made of acrylic resin and come in different designs. Full dentures are held in place by natural suction in the mouth. They are custom-made to resemble your natural teeth and are positioned to take the place of your missing teeth. Many people experience initial problems with their dentures. However, this is usually a temporary concern.


Partial dentures are for patients who still have some healthy teeth but are missing a significant number of teeth in one area of the mouth. They are designed to help fill in the spaces left by missing teeth, restoring function and appearance.

Partial dentures are removable dental appliances that fill in the gaps where permanent teeth are missing. A partial denture may help maintain the arch of the jaw, making it easier to chew and speak. Partial dentures are also a more natural-looking alternative to bridges because they use less of the surrounding teeth for support.

Partial dentures can help you restore your smile after losing multiple teeth. When your teeth are missing, your bite can be affected. This can lead to discomfort and difficulty with chewing and speaking. Partial dentures can prevent these problems. Once a partial is in place, it will allow you to speak normally, smile, and e at with confidence, and will relieve the strain on other teeth.

Implant-Secured Dentures

Implant-secured dentures are secured by dental implants. They function like regular dentures but stay in place more securely by dental implants, which are small titanium screws surgically placed in the jaw bone to mimic natural tooth roots. With implant-retained dentures, small titanium posts are inserted into the jawbone. The posts integrate with the jawbone, providing security for the dentures.

Dental implants provide a stable base for single-tooth dentures and partial dentures. They can also be used to secure full upper or lower implant-supported dentures. Full dentures are secured with two or more dental implants. They are much more stable and comfortable than traditional dentures.

Implant-secured dentures provide several benefits. They can improve your overall dental health, and they can also make your smile look better. Replacing missing teeth with dentures can help prevent bone loss in your jaw. This can preserve the natural shape of your face. Implant-secured dentures also provide added stability. You can get used to wearing your dentures quickly, and they won’t slip out of place.

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